What the Duck??


So on my way to work this morning with more What if’s? Then I had answers to, I drove past a flock of ducks. And I wondered about those ducks.

Why? Because that is how the mind of a writer works that’s why?

But I realized, Ducks have it! They understand. They have a great life. Okay there is that pesky little migration thing in the fall and hunting season. But honestly who hasn’t had to duck and weave a little in their life. (Pun intended, please fill free to laugh.)

Honestly, they have kids that follow them around obidently. And when they leave the nest the mother duck has more. Out with the old and in with the new!! But there lives aren’t complicated with the fussings of over thinking EVERYTHING. Simplicity is the key to personal harmony and success, somehow the ducks have figured that out.

We just have to watch the ducks.

Okay so my crazy might be showing but, honestly slow down. Those What if’s and un-answered questions and worries will come. Let it roll off your back like the water off the back of a duck. (Bet you thought I was done with stupid metaphores. HA!)

Just because your desperete for an answer doesn’t mean the answer is the key. Getting there might have something to do with it.


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