New website

Sorry everyone, me and my webmaster have been working like crazy this week to introduce a new website and blog site for me. And it is now up and running. But because of it I am of course running behind. Check out my new website and blog site at:

Love all my readers and followers. Come one over to the new site, the next couple of weeks are going to be amazing with author interviews, guest blogger, contests and much much more.

Hope to see you at the new site.



PS Thank you so much to Jaycee for all her hard work on the website its more than I could have ever hoped for.

Author Being

Author Being by: Christie Palmer

Moments of disillusionment
feelings of inadequacies
Rushes of need so powerful, I shake

At the tip of my tongue
and the twitch of my fingertips

spew the creativity bottled within

unknown depths
so out of my control
swallow the bile of disappointment

Need drives the hammer
Lust moves the anvil
White hot steel frees the imagination

the dip of ice and the cloud of smoke
forges the words
unknown judgment, faceless and painful

mighty pen and disillusioned heart
beat out of control
Need so powerful

read my story
hear my voice
love my forged words beaten from within

The dreaded ‘G’ — Writer Tip Wednesday

Set Goals

Goal setting

I have to admit, I don’t do goals. I am a product of my fathers incessant and sometimes manic goal setting. Everything we did as a family, and individual revolved around goals. So what did I do? As a teenager I rebelled (of course I did, what teenager doesn’t rebel in some form). But my father’s incessant need to set goals left a lasting impression. And I’m sad to say it wasn’t a good lasting impression.

However, now that I have grown up. And realized that the world doesn’t lay at my feet, but that I have to go out and make a life for myself I understand the need for goals. (Dammit, the old man was right. Don’t tell him.)

If I care enough about accomplishing being a writer than I need to set some goals. Arrrggghhhhh

So where do I start? And why is it important?

Okay you start with where you currently are. For me I have my first novel written. I want it published more than anything. So what do I need to do to make that happen? Okay make a list of all that needs to happen in order to make that happen. This is setting goals. My short-term goals would be:

1. professional edits

2. critic group

3. re-writes

4. cover

5. beta readers

6. set a release date

My long-term goal would be to be a career author meaning an author full-time. I would like to see that happen with in the next couple of  years. And in order for that to happen I need to write, write, write. And learn my craft so that I am a better writer.

My father would be so proud.

Sometimes as an author you feel isolated and that being published will never happen. But go back to your goals and work on the one next thing that is on the goal list. Small baby steps.

Hope this helped. Let me know if you wan to hear about anything important to you.

Keep your pens up, and write, write, write. — Christie


She Wulf by: Sheryl Steines

She Wulf Cover

She Wulf Cover

I rate this book: (Woot…Woot)

This is the second book in a series Annie Loves Cam by: Sheryl Steines and is a YA book. Very well written with interesting characters, world-building and story-line.

I enjoyed this book much more than the first one. The characters are evolved from the first book and that gives you some more buy in to the characters.

From the first sentence it is an action packed story that makes you want to turn the page. Annie is a character that you can relate too. You can’t help but love Cam for the mere fact that he loves Annie so much his feelings nearly jump off the page and touch your heart.

Annie is a Wizard Guard and is asked to save the world. However, saving the world isn’t as easy as you would think. Especially when she is stripped from her comfort zone. And the only one she has to count on is her new partner Spencer. Trust issue’s ensue, but when her life is threatened she is forced to lean on her new partner.

Cam will move heaven and earth for the woman he loves and goes to extremes that will touch the heart of any reader.

Although I really liked this book, there were points in it when I wanted to slap Cam, and shake Annie. But that could be a good thing in that I felt a close connection with the characters.

My only problem was the epilouge, I had no idea what it was about… after such a good read I was left scratching my head. But DO NOT let that stop you. If you are a YA fan this is a great read.

My Rating System:

( Woot…Woot IYB (It’s Your Birthday))

(Woot…Woot Holler!)





K❤ (Amazing Hero)
Q❤ (Amazing Heroine)

Who the hell are you?

Do you have any idea how many writers are out there trying to achieve the dream of becoming a published writer?

Who are you?

Who are you?

Okay, so honestly I don’t know. But what I do know is that there are a lot. If you don’t make a name for yourself, give people a glimpse of who you are, then how do you expect to sell any books. Just because you write the best, and have the greatest story ever written does not mean people are going to buy your book.

There are of course exceptions to the rule. But there are exceptions to almost ever rule. But do you want to bet your life’s dream on an exception? I don’t, I want to be a writer, a published writer. And I want to do it before I turn 40, and time is growing short.

Anyway, who are you? And why should potential readers and other authors care?

While looking at other authors this week in search of who I am and why I am different. I have to admit I was extremely overwhelmed and terrible disheartened with the number of authors out-there who write Urban Fantasy. How is it possible for an unknown woman from Salt Lake City, UT USA going to compete against all those writers out there already published. Much less the unpublished 😦

You have to ask who you are? What you have to offer that isn’t out there right now. And don’t think of all those writers out there as competition. Build a relationship with other writers, they have gone through what you are going through, or they are going through it with you now.

Take small steps, remember your branding, and never give up. It took many many years for me to admit to my friends and family that I wanted to be a writer. But now I shout it to anyone who will listen.

Who the hell are you? A WRITER DAMN IT!!